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Hyperthyroid cats are often thin

Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Hyperthyroidism in cats – causes, treatment of, signs of hyperthyroidism, what is hyperthyroidism cats, cats that are thin old and eat a lot, my cat seems ravenous and I’ve wormed him – it may be a cat with an overactive thyroid, causes of weight loss in older cats

Cat Licks her Hair Off

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Cancer – Skin Cancer – Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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Behavior – Puppies that play bite + are aggressive with food

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Behavior – Cat messing in bath and sink

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Animal Behavior – messing inside house

How to stop your older dog urinating and defecting (peeing and pooing) in the house, causes of, how to clean up urine and feces to remove odor. Animal behaviorist online, veterinarian online

Animal behavior – Spraying cats

Urine Spraying Dear Your Own Vet Is it ‘normal’ for a female cat to spray? from Elzhet, Sandringham, South Africa Dear Elzhet, …

The Dachshund

Breed of the month – The Dachshund. Its origins, behavior, diseases, spinal problems, weight problems, training, house training.