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Dominant behavior in a male dog

Behavior – Dominant Behavior in Male dogs

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Getting cats to use litter

Kitten won’t use Litter Tray

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Behavior – Stressed Kitty!

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Addison's disease in dogs

Animal Health – Addison’s Disease

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Choosing the Right Dog Breed – part 3

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Hot Issue – What to do with a lost baby bird

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Hot Issue – Poisoning of Pets – Organophosphate and Carbamate Toxicity

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The Use of Domestic Poisons – Rat poisoning in pets and control of rats and mice

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Breed of the Month – The Great Dane

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Behavior – fear and aggression to strange people, animals and the vet

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Distemper in Dogs

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Red colored worm in esophagus - spirocerca lupi

Worms in dogs and cats

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