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cat knocked out to flush stones

Blocked bladder in male cats

Signs and symptoms of blocked bladders in male cats, emergency treatment of blocked bladders and how to prevent them recurring in the future. Special diets for cats to prevent stones forming again as well as the operation for blocked bladder that removes the penis.

kitten scared of the older cat

Kitten Hates Older Cat

kitten terrified of, hates, hisses at, is scared of, fears, fearful of older cat. What to do and how to get them used to each other. Pet behavior online, pet behavior consults online, pet behavior skype online, ask an animal behaviorist now, pet psyciatrist online, pet psychologist online now

Hyperthyroid cats are often thin

Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Hyperthyroidism in cats – causes, treatment of, signs of hyperthyroidism, what is hyperthyroidism cats, cats that are thin old and eat a lot, my cat seems ravenous and I’ve wormed him – it may be a cat with an overactive thyroid, causes of weight loss in older cats