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Q & A, Page 2

Question and Answer – Cancer in pets

Cancer in the spleen of German Shepherd dogs, chemotherapy in animals pros and cons, malignant and benign cancer, how cancer kills, diagnosis of cancer in dogs, free online vet, animal behaviorist, animal health , vet question and answer

First Aid for Pets

First aid skin wounds, serious injuries, how to treat, bleeding, chest injuries, simple skin wounds, online vet

Feline Aids

Feline AIDS is caused by the Feline immunodeficiency virus, should I get another cat, what is FIV, how is it transmitted, how can I prevent and treat it.

Snake Bites

First aid for snakebites in your pets, what to do, what not to do and how your vet will treat them. Also learn all about the most common poisonous snakes in the world

Arthritis and obesity in older dogs.

Arthritis and Obesity in senior dogs and Labradors. Weight loss Labrador, obesity Labrador, exercise Labrador, Rimadyl Labrador, chondroitin, glucosamine

Question and Answer – Kidney Failure

Kidney failure in cats is common when they are old. Diagnosing it early is the key to treating it successfully in order to give your old kitty the best quality of life. Treatment of, diagnosis of, staging kidney failure, prognosis for kidney failure, can I treat kidney failure in my cat dog pet animal, online vet, vet online, ask a vet online, vet chat online, vet consult online, emergency vet online, immediate vet help online, help my dog cat pet animal is sick dying ill